How it all started
As a new mom juggling a demanding career, I found prioritizing my health and wellness to be extremely challenging. I scoured the internet for resources on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle while balancing the demands of work and motherhood, but I was disappointed by the lack of comprehensive and personalized guidance available to new working moms like me.
Determined to help myself and others in the same boat, I decided to take matters into my own hands and start my own nutrition business. Drawing on my expertise as a registered dietitian and my experience as a new mom, I created a range of tailored nutrition resources, programs, and one-on-one coaching to support working moms in achieving optimal health and wellness.
My mission is to provide women with the tools and support they need to lead healthy, happy, and balanced lives. I am committed to delivering personalized, science-based nutrition guidance that fits seamlessly into the busy schedules of working and stay-at-home-moms, helping them achieve their health and wellness goals one step at a time.